Below mentioned firm points are elaborated purposely to make customers use our product selling service practically. Here Terms & Conditions has been proclaimed for better flexibility & effectiveness of C2C Healthcare We strictly recommend our customers to follow our guidelines on the following scenarios-

Terms and conditions to Vender:
  • To make our solution more productive to our customers, it’s our gentle appeal for existing & future customers that they must not share or interchange their personal phone numbers with our C2C Healthcarevendors or listed doctors,clinics etc for any uninformed business.
  • For product purchase, “Customer” must provide with accurate address while submitting request. Failing to provide accurate address, order request will be cancelled. We may reschedule your request if we won’t able to pick up and same will be intimated to you
  • Rates are fixed as per selling Price List, for rates and other info about product please contact us.
  • We also appeal our prevailing & future customers to utilize our service via C2C Healthcare Website & App for proactive customer support system from our end. Our online service has been dedicated for better user interaction with 100% outcomes of success.
  • Vendors can use digital weighing scale with loyalty and its customer’s sole responsibility to check out few chances of fraudulent & immediately report to our customer support team so that we can proceed actions.
  • C2C Healthcare is not liable for any misshapen or harm that may occur to the customers during the ongoing process of our service. We do not take any responsibility for intolerant activities such as theft, molestation, injury or any physical harm during customer and vendor interaction.
  • Owing to several non tangible reasons, we are not blameworthy. However, we always take your feedback seriously and will appreciate if you raise any concerns in regards to the behaviour and/or practices of the vendors coming to your service. Let us know if you experience anything which you think is out of place or is not expected from our customer support or vendors. We will take disciplinary action upon investigation at our end if the claims are found valid and demand action.
  • As per our norm, a customer must not command the vendors to do any non-serviceable task or any personal favor. Our vendors will function in accord with our guidelines .
  • All the protocols mentioned above is to rectify any glitch, which stops you from receiving a Technology friendly service. We hereby recommend you to follow the inclined instructions.

Note: The above policies mentioned here are subject to change at the sole discretion of C2C Healthcare.